When I used to grumble about something at my work, my old boss would say, “Sharon, go talk to your fish.” Over time I learned that watching and talking to my fish actually did make me happy.

I have tropical fish indoors, and goldfish and koi outdoors. My little friends are graceful, curious and playful – and they do improve my mood. Goldfish and koi will quickly learn to eat from a plastic feeding ring, as you can see in this video of my pond.They’re not as cuddly as puppies, but they are a lot less work. I can leave them unattended for several days, and not worry that they have chewed up the carpet or piddled on the floor. 

The gentle noise of a bubbling stream and the colorful water flowers also help to lull me into a cheerful mood. Thanks to Suzy at Water’s Edge Aquatic Plants in Black Forest, CO, I have lovely floating pond rings with a variety of water plants. Impatients will grow in these, adding summer-long color. My water lilies are a true delight. Don’t miss the one in the video at the bottom right, near the end of the clip.

So next time you’re feeling down, instead of turning to comfort food, try seeking comfort from your pet(s). Whether they are finned or furry, spending time with pets is a calorie-free comfort, and will probably do more to boost your good endorphins than a sugary desert.

If you’re feeling stressed as you are reading this blog, press rewind and relax with my fish. Don’t worry. Be happy!



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